That old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Oct 28, 2011

The Talion Law

Topic:             Young Iranian woman burned with acid.

Subject:          Criminal Law

Source: ,


This video shows the history of a Iranian woman that was blinded and disfigured with acid by a man because she turning down his offer of marriage. After that, she was supported by Amnesty International to demand justice, and request punishment for her offender. In the case of Iran, they still have “The Talion Law”, an eye for an eye, wich means that if a person injures another person, receives the same injury in compensation.

I consider important to put this video in order to create awareness about the fact. In some countries women don’t have the same rights than men, consequently they are not judged as equals. But in my opinion is also important to consider that they are a different culture and we cannot measure their laws with parameters of justice or equity that our society has.

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