That old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nov 9, 2011

10 Steps to create your own Business

Topic:    Steps to create your own business

Subject: Entrepeneurship

Source:    The View from the Bay.

The video show us an interview to a man that owns a company that brings support and tips to people who want to start their own business, for instance: he explains how to take an idea and turn it in to a business, how to manage resources efficiently, and so on.

I want to share this information because I consider very important encourage people to create their own projects and business. Usually in our country, people are not educated to become in an entrepreneur, instead of that, we are raised to be good employees, which is not bad, but sometimes we need support and knowledge to make our dreams come true.

Shark Finning in Costa Rica

Topic:    Shark Finning in Costa Rica

Subject:  Environmental Law



Costa Rica is famous around the world for its natural resources, biodiversity and ecological politics, we promote our country as one tropical ecological paradise; unfortunately not all what we say is true.

This video show us the serious problem that we have with the lack of environmental education in groups including fishers, people that need natural resources to make a living and communities in general. This problem is the principal reason for situations like shark finning, indiscriminate fishing and the contamination of rivers and oceans.

I think it is important to support that kind of organizations and request the government to take control of the situation, and really punish behaviors that don’t respect our environmental laws.